God Blessed me with 2 beautiful children and I am so thankful
for both ! They are as different as night and day but the love I have for them is equal and grows each and every day.
It is the difference in them that make them unique and special in their own way. I never remember them fighting and fussing
like some siblings do. Both were so protective of the other. Not saying they did not have their disagreements but nothing
so great that ever tore the love they had for each other apart. I love you both so very much! Mother

While the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was well into his sixth day of overtime. Then an angel appeared and
said. "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one!"
And the Lord said, "Have you read the specifications of this order? She
has to be completely washable, but not plastic...Have 180 movable parts, all replaceable..Run on black coffee and leftovers...have
a lap that disappears when she stands up... and a kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair. Plus she has to have six pairs of hands!"
The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands!!?? Not
"Oh, it's not the hands that are causing Me the problem," said the Lord. "It's the three pairs of eyes that mothers
have to have."
on the standard model?", asked the angel.
The Lord nodded. "One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks,
'What are you kids doing in there?' when she already knows...Another pair on the back of her head that sees what she shouldn't,
but what she has to know...And of course, the ones here in the front that can look at a child and reflect, 'I understand,
and I love you' without so much as saying a word." "Lord," said the angel touching His sleeve gently, "Get some rest. Finish this tomorrow."
"I can't," answered the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something so
close to Myself. Already I have one that heals herself when she's sick...can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger...and
can get a nine-year-old to stand under a shower."
The angel circled the model of the mother very slowly and sighed, "But it's too soft!"
"And yet she's tough!" said the Lord excitedly. "You cannot imagine what the mother can handle or do!"
"Can it think?" asked the angel.
"Not only think, but it can reason and compromise!" answered the Creator.
Finally the angel bent over and ran her fingers across the mother's cheek. "There's a leak!" she pronounced. "I told You, You were trying to put too much in this model! You can't ignore the stress
The Lord moved in closer for a look and gently lifted the drop of moisture to His finger where it glistened and sparkled
in the light. "It's not a leak," He said. :;"It's a tear."
"A tear?" asked the angel. "What's it for?"
"It's for Joy, Sadness, Disappointment, Compassion, Pain, Loneliness, and Pride."
And the angel exclaimed, "You're a genius!"
The Lord looked somber and replied, "I didn't put it there."

Close your eyes and wish for the one thing You cannot do without, and when you do, Near your heart you'll find
it, always there, Treasure that is dear but not so rare, Held in the mesh that all your dreams flow through. In truth,
no gift more happiness can bring, And so this day I give my love to you.

A mother’s love is something That
no-one can explain It is made of deep devotion And sacrifice and pain It is endless and unselfish And enduring
come what may For nothing can destroy it Or take that love away It is patient and forgiving When all others
are forsaking And it never fails or falters Even though the heart is breaking It believes beyond believing When
the world around condemns And it glows with all the beauty Of the rarest brightest gems It is far beyond defining
It defies all explanation And it still remains a secret Like the mysteries of creation A many splendoured
miracle Man cannot understand And another wondrous evidence Of God’s tender guiding hand (Helen Steiner

Maybe love put sunshine in your heart, Using light to leaven your long day. Maybe it was hard, but from the
start, 'Twixt blight and bloom the sunshine had its way. Sing, then, of mother's love, and your delight Descended
down to me, that I might be Alive with sunshine, bountiful and bright, Yet yearning still for what you gave to me.

Grandmothers are mothers who are grand, Restoring the sense that our most precious things Are those that do not change much over time. No love of childhood
is more sublime, Demanding little, giving on demand, More inclined than most to grant the wings On which we fly
off to enchanted lands. Though grandmothers must serve as second mothers, Helping out with young and restless hearts, Each
has all the patience wisdom brings, Remembering our passions more than others, Soothing us with old and well-honed arts.

Happy Mother's Day to my dear daughter: A mother, too, and yet my baby still! Praised be the love that lasts, and always will, Perched like a star
above the windswept weather! Years pass like clouds beneath the things that matter. Mothers grasp the grace within the
fill, Older than the stars themselves, that spill Towards eyes whose tears supply the maelstrom's waters. How lucky
we, to share it in our bones! Each a mother, holding what will prove Redemption's gift, too dear to be redeemed 'Ere
time renew the miracle again. So may you, some Mother's Day, your own Daughter, now a mother, send such love, Alive
to more emotion than you dreamed, Yet far beyond the realm of joy and pain.

I choose this song for this page because Tiffany, Dustin and I would sing it all the time when it would come on the radio.
It breaks my heart to hear it now but the memories it brings are happy ones.
"I Will Always Love You" If I Should stay I would only be in your way
So I'll go But I know I'll think of you every step of the way And I... Will always Love you, oohh
Will always Love you You My darling you Mmm-mm Bittersweet Memories That is all I'm taking
with me So good-bye Please don't cry We both know I'm not what you You need
And I... Will always
love you I... Will always love you You, ooh [Instrumental / Sax solo] I hope life treats you
kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of And I wish you joy and happiness But above all this I
wish you love And I... Will always love you I... Will always love you [Repeat] I, I will always
love You.... You Darling I love you I'll always I'll always Love You.. Oooh Ooohhh
