The things I once took for granted I now see in a different
light. Like a flower. Have you ever stopped and thought how a flower is so like life. Starts from a small seed in the ground
and grows and blossoms into different colors and shapes. No one flower is exactly alike. Just as people. Dustin was
one of a kind like each and everyone of you. I know when Tiffany was born I read and read on how to... well I thought
I had it down and then Dustin was born and he was entirely a different baby. So even siblings are their own little person
that blooms into a person unique in their own ways. Which is like a flower , As I wrote on the home page this site will
be of poems I have found that are about life's little things we take for granted every day until one day something happens
in our life and we start to focus on each day and how important each one is. How each of us need to stop and appreciate what
God has given us. Thank him each day for the person you are, pray if your life needs to be changed in some way, smell the
flowers, hug a friend always tell those special to you that you love them every day. Love and Hugs! Patti Rawls.

Simple to Be Happy In Heaven!
How simple to be happy here in heaven!
After all, one doesn't want for much.
Passion finds its willing partner, ever
Pleased to please with a deft and tender touch.
Yearning is like walking through a valley
Veiled in the loveliness of flowers.
All the beauty of the earth can only
Lead us to the edge of what is ours.
Etched into our love there is a message,
Not of now but of all time and place,
Telling of a truth beyond the passage
In which we move from mystery to grace.
Nor are there signs that such content can be
Except my love for you, and yours for me.

If Roses Grow in Heaven
If roses grow in heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me...place
them in my son's arms and tell him they are from me. Tell him I love him and I miss him..and when he turns to smile..place
a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for awhile.
Because remembering him is easy..I do it everyday but there's an ache in
my heart that will never go away.—Unknown
No one sees the broken heart that lies beneath my smile No one sees the lonliness
that's with me all the while Silent tears gently fall that others do not see For my precious son who meant the world
to me.—Unknown

One of the Best He left us so quietly His thoughts unknown He
left us memories We are proud to own So treasure him Lord In your garden of rest For on earth he was one of
the best!!

Life is a Miracle
Life is a miracle
don't let it slip away,
Open your heart to others
give of yourself each day.
See the beauty in everyone
regardless of where they've been,
Some have a difficult journey
and really need a friend.
Share your gifts and talents
listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about
but don't have time to start.
Pick a bouquet of flowers
show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
life is never fair.
Hold on to your courage
you may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
it could be a heavy load.
If you practice all these things
no matter where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain
but you'll never feel alone!
Author Unknown

A Poem by Eileen Finch Cain
eel the goodness in all forms of life
ove all things; let go of strife
pen your petals; let love flow in
iden the gap; let love grow within
E rase
the scars of the past
est in the assurance that only love lasts
wn your self-worth in spite of what others may say
again the peace in your day
ive your potential; let the world know
nto yourself let a new energy flow
ind out you have so much to give
mbrace love; laugh and life
Be joyous and free
Be all that you are and ever could be!

Blooming Flowers
There are memories left to savor
And stories still left to be told.
Let not the dull hour set strife in the heart
As you travel with head high to other fields.
Let not your path never meet again,
For a friend is like a rainbow
So shiney and new yet so old inside.
Follow the path set out for fate has
A funny way of letting you know when
it is time to turn back.
So with every step you take
Let you know there is stepping stones
To guide your way to happiness,
For friendship lives a tough life
And learning is never easy.
Let your memories guide you
Know that a friend is always there
Holding on when you need them
Standing back when you let go
Waiting for flowers to bloom.
Melissa MacDougall

Rose Of Life
by Ellie LeJeune
I am unfolding gently beneath
your loving touch
I let wholeness breath my
petals free
Sweet fragrant Spirit touching
senses into life
Giving beauty back to the universe
Each petal, sweet miracle of life
We are hues of color, yet one
in Spirits blossom

Legend of the Daffodil:
Each time a Guardian Angel
notices a good deed -
a prayer, kindness or sacrifice -
she plucks a gold star from the heavens
and sends it to earth,
where it blooms as a golden daffodil.